
Vivaldi, software engineer


In 2016, I joined Vivaldi. Vivaldi is making a browser that is packed with customizable features, is user driven, and takes the ethical stance to not collect user data to sell or monetize. I spoke a little about why I joined Vivaldi. In 2019 I held short lightning talk called Lost in Navigation at a W3C meetup in Iceland

Levo, co-founder


In 2014, I co-founded a company called Levo. We were one of ten companies selected for Startup Reykjavík in 2014. Levo's goal is to allow doctors to control images in the operating room themselves. Images are often projected onto a screen in an operating room where scrubbed in personel can neither touch nor move anything that has not been sterilized. Enabling quick access to vital information when needed without intermediaries can prevent and minimize risk of errors. We have been working with Landspítalinn (the National hospital in Iceland), and they are currently using our solution. Though I have recently worked on this project full-time, it has been a side project for many years. I hope to carry this work forward alongside other opportunities.

Dohop, software engineer


(contracting work from Oct 2016 - Jan 2017)

At Dohop, ( I helped launch a full rewrite of their site, switching out a Django based site to a ReactJS, where we used Redux for state control, BEM (Block-element-module) for CSS scoping. I also wrote the original apps for them in React Native when it was bleeding edge (if we ran into problems we'd wait a week for a solution to appear). I also worked a bit in Python, did a lot of refactoring for old Django systems, and organized Dohop's first hackathon. You can see my talk on Dohop's hackathon at QuizUp headquarters in 2015.

Össur, contractor

Nov 2016 - Jan 2017

At Össur ( I worked as a contractor on a joint research project with Levo. No details can be disclosed because of a Non-disclosure agreement. "Össur is an Icelandic company that develops, manufactures and sells non-invasive orthopaedics equipment, including bracing and support products, compression therapy, and prosthetics. The company's headquarters is in Reykjavík, and it has offices in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, with distributors in other markets." Source: Wikipedia. Össur. March 2017


Breidablik's sports school, facilitator

2007 - 2016

(and other work with kids)

I've worked quite a bit with children. I worked two summers at a preschool, two summers at an outdoor camp in the mountains of North Carolina, and as a soccer coach for 5 - 7 olds at Breiðablik. I worked at Breiðablik's sports school for nine years, from 2007-2016. (Íþróttaskóli Breiðabliks)Parents bring their children, age 3-5, on Saturday mornings to take part in various athletics focusing on fine and gross motor-performance and group activites. These groups range from 40-80 children every morning. Along with two to four colleagues, I would set up a new obstacle course using the same materials every week. I enjoyed the challenge of coming up with activities in the moment, introducing kids to the gym in a welcoming manner, and providing a platform for parents to spend time with their children.

University of Iceland, Teaching assitant

Fall 2012 and Spring 2014

In 2012 I administered open study sessions once a week for first year engineering students at the University of Iceland. Students could ask about Physics I, Calculus I, and/or Linear algebra I. In 2014 I taught 80 minute, weekly classes at the University. I also graded weekly assignments, and provided individual instructions as necessary. The students are using c#, java swing, and GTK for their programming projects and David Benyon: Designing Interactive Systems for other written assignments.