
Hi, I'm Guðmundur Már (or GMG)

If letters in your name aren't in the English alphabet... Does your name change? Or do you have two names?


Outside of Iceland my name loses its Icelandic letters and becomes Gudmundur Mar.
The letters "ð" (pronounced with a "th" sound, and "á" pronounced like "ou" in ouch) don't get to follow me around the world.


In Icelandic, it sounds something like "Gvuth-muhn-duhr Mow-r" with rolling r's.
Outside of Iceland I've just introduced myself exactly like it's written (Good-muhn-dur Mar).


I use two handles online, GMG or gudmundurmar. I'm quite fond of GMG since I've never really taken to a nickname, and those are quite common in Iceland. In Icelandic, GMG translates to the equivilant of OMG in English.

So, here's a little bit about me...

Brief summary: I'm a programmer who likes to teach, play my own music, work with people, and play soccer until my ankles give away.


I studied Software Engineering at the University of Iceland from fall of 2011 until spring of 2014. Alongside my studies, I worked as a teaching assistant, leading open study classes for first year engineering students in Physics I, Calculus I, and/or Linear Algebra I. Later, I taught an introductory course in User Designing Systems.


After graduation, I started as a full stack engineer, then transitioned to a frontend engineer. As a frontend engineer, I've been working with Javascript (Babel, React, React Native, etc.) and Python (Django, PyQt). I give a more detailed description on my work on my resumé page.

Musical activites

I played piano since I was seven. I studied studio recording and electrical music for several years alongside studying the organ, and wrote and recorded a bit myself.

Other extracurricular activites

Playing soccer is one of my favorite hobbies. I played in a League until I was around nineteen, when my ankle injuries required me to scale back. Focusing on my university studies provided some much needed rest. I enjoy playing occasionally now when I have the chance.


I am quite a social person, and like working with others. In high school, I was on the sports commitee, elected class president, volunteered for redcross multicultural youth square, and worked quite a lot with kids. I worked at a preschool, coached soccer, and facilitated a Saturday morning sports school for kids and their parents. Recently, I've been active in the Javascript community in Iceland and joined them at JSconf in Iceland in 2016. I'm currently looking for opportunities to give back, whether it be reproductive rights, education, immigration rights, or something else, I am excited to use my skills to help others.